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CoAdvantage Understaffed

7 Tips if Your Office Is Understaffed Due to COVID-19, the Flu, and/or the Holidays

CoAdvantage- Between COVID-19 surging in the U.S., the onset of flu season, and a full spate of holidays approaching, employers are at higher risk than ever of staffing shortages. Here are 7 tips for surviving over the short-term with fewer than normal workers available. 1: Triage strategically. Getting work done when short-staffed depends on clearly[…]

CoAdvantage Diversity

Diversity Program Effectiveness, Part 1: If Diversity Helps, Why Does It Often Fail?

CoAdvantage- Diversity programs have the potential to produce enormous benefits for the organizations that embrace them, but all too often efforts fail to generate the desired results. Why? It’s important to understand that, yes, inclusivity and representation are not only right in principle, they also legitimately produce business value when translated into smart programs designed[…]