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FAQ: What is The “On-Demand” Workforce?

Long gone are the days of lifelong employee relationships ended only by retirement into generous pension plans. Today, the marketplace of workers is more fluid, flexible, and fast-moving than ever before. Yet, many companies feel unprepared to take advantage of new trends in talent acquisition, like the emergence of the so-called “on-demand” workforce. Only 9%[…]

Are Flexibility-Related Benefits the Key to Employee Satisfaction?

The usual suspects of employee benefits – like retirement plans and health insurance coverage – remain critical to attracting and retaining top talent in today’s labor marketplace. But a new class of benefits also seems to be growing more important to a growing segment of today’s workforce. We’re talking about benefits that give employees flexibility[…]

CoAdvantage Performance Management

The Facts About Performance Management

Good performance management is critical to maximizing employee engagement and productivity. Studies of performance management show clear benefits for both employees and employers when feedback is handled well. For example, companies see 14.9% lower turnover rates for employees who receive regular feedback than for employees who do not. Even better, Gallup has found that units[…]

HR Risk Management Part 3: Risk Monitoring

In our first post in this risk management series, we noted how few HR organizations address people-related risks. According to consultancy group EY, “HR risks continue to be absent from the risk management framework. Only 36% of [survey] respondents indicated HR risks are included as part of the risk management framework.” In our next post in[…]

Recruitment Tactics When Faced with Serious Staffing Shortages

Talent shortages are likely to reach critical levels over the next decade. Analysts at the Korn Ferry Institute predict that the global talent shortage could hit 85.2 million people by 2030. Consultancy firm Gartner agrees: its 2018 Emerging Risks Survey found that a talent shortage is an employers’ most commonly cited risk. The hardest hit industries include financial[…]

Social Media Best Practices for Small Businesses

Social media is a big deal for small businesses. According to research from social media company Sprout, more than half (57.5%) of people are more likely to buy from a brand if they follow them on social media. However, social media is a complex and intricate area of marketing that demands its own expertise to execute well, and it’s[…]

Are You Recouping Your Costs from Summer Interns?

Internships can be surprisingly expensive for employers. “An internship can, and hopefully will, benefit the company that uses such a program. For example, internships may provide a pool of potential new hires for the company, serve as a source of inexpensive labor, foster a positive public image, and build beneficial relationships with local communities and[…]

What PEOs Do Throughout the Employee Lifecycle

When business owners partner with a professional employer organization (PEO), they can focus on business building while trusting the PEO to handle certain HR and employee issues. To that end, a PEO’s service model can extend across the entire employee lifecycle – from before they even start until after they’ve left. Here’s how. 1: Recruitment[…]