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“Microlearning” Versus Traditional Training

“Microlearning” means undertaking training modules (usually self-directed) in very short but frequent bursts, versus the longer but less frequent classes associated with traditional training. The idea has taken off among online training providers because it’s perfectly suited to their style of delivering education. They argue that “microlearning” is the perfect answer to a number of[…]

The 2019 State of Health Care Reform for Small Businesses

Health care reform has certainly seen its share of changes over the past few years, culminating in a shocking court ruling in December 2018 that found the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. That decision has been stayed pending appeals, but it raises important questions about the future of health care, especially as it affects small businesses.[…]

The Technologies that are Fueling Next-Gen Recruitment

Next-generation recruitment is already here. Technology is playing an increasingly prominent role in recruiting activities, and employers are pleased with the results they’re seeing. According to the Randstad Sourceright Talent Trends Report, 71% of executives say that technology has made recruiting simpler and more efficient, 76% say it helps them to make smarter hiring decisions,[…]

3 Ways Employee Performance Management is Changing

For decades, most organizations handled employee performance in a very staid and traditional way: conduct an annual review during which the employee would be evaluated and graded, with scores typically linked to salary increases, incentives, and promotions/continued employment. But this approach is rapidly falling out of favor. In an oft-cited statistic, business analyst Josh Bersin[…]

Technology That Helps Small Business Owners Drive Growth

The right technology investments can help drive growth for small business owners (although employees sometimes need some convincing). According to a new study from SAP SE, one-third of small-to-midsize businesses are “well under way in applying technology to connect people, devices and businesses.” The same study also hinted at the reason why: the same companies also saw[…]