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CoAdvantage HR Lessons From COVID-19

4 HR Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic

CoAdvantage- By this point, business leaders and industry publications have probably published millions of words on COVID-19 and its impacts on the business world. We ourselves have written previously about trends and long-term implications resulting from the pandemic. Frankly, though, the seriousness of the pandemic, and the weaknesses it uncovered in workplace crisis readiness, has[…]

CoAdvantage HR

Post-COVID-19 Workforce and HR Strategy: Preparing for the “Next Normal”

CoAdvantage- Is COVID-19 going to permanently reshape the workplace? If so, how? We’ve already addressed the long-term outlook for remote work, but it’s worth reiterating that work from home options are likely going to be a major part of the employment landscape moving forward. According to a survey from The Hackett Group, virtual work has[…]

CoAdvantage Telehealth

Telehealth in 2021: Trends and Challenges

CoAdvantage- Telehealth, or the delivery of health services via remote technology, has seen as much of a increase over the past year as remote working from home has. Virtual appointments were already on the rise before the pandemic. A 2019 study found that telehealth services grew by 53%, an already impressive number, between 2016 and[…]

CoAdvantage Remote Work

How Many Hours Should Your Employees Work Remotely?

CoAdvantage- Working long hours is tough on a person, can infringe on family time, and often upsets a healthy work-life balance. Moreover, longer hours can worsen health problems, which has its own set of workplace consequences, like absenteeism and higher health insurance costs. Remote work may also be aggravating the problem of long hours, with[…]

CoAdvantage Crisis

5 Ways to Turn a Crisis Into an Opportunity

CoAdvantage- Every crisis contains the seed of opportunity. As Winston Churchill said, “Never waste a good crisis.” Indeed, in normal circumstances, leaders and organizations frequently resist even smart or necessary change. Thus, a crisis situation can potentially generate the necessary urgency and motivation to make positive changes. As The Wall Street Journal writes, “A crisis[…]

CoAdvantage COVID-19 Vaccine

Can Employers Require Their Employees to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine?

CoAdvantage- The short answer is a qualified yes. Employers can require their employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued guidance last December addressing this question. The bottom-line answer: yes, employers can mandate that employees get the vaccine. However, such a mandate would introduce a host of legal (and logistical)[…]

CoAdvantage Crisis Preparedness

Crisis Preparedness: Steps to Take Before Your Company Faces a Crisis

CoAdvantage- There’s no shortage of potentially business-ending risks facing today’s employers. Every crisis, from relatively petty PR crises to actual life-threatening events like a deadly global pandemic, has the power to devastate a business. Always, the burden is on business leaders to set course and sail through such dangerous times. The old axiom applies here:[…]

Should COVID-19 Have Any Long-Term Impact on Your Benefit Offerings?

CoAdvantage- As early as last summer, COVID-19 had already begun prompting employers to re-evaluate their benefit offerings. Should you do the same? According to one report, as many as one in five employers have been dropping coverage or considering doing so. Twice that number (40%) have taken the opposite route, saying they view benefits as[…]

CoAdvantage Reasonable Accommodation

What Counts as “Reasonable Accommodation” Regarding COVID-19 and At-Risk Workers?

CoAdvantage- In a recent article about how to protect at-risk workers from COVID-19 while still complying with all applicable labor laws, we brought up the concept of “reasonable accommodation.” Because the idea of reasonable accommodation is so important in this situation, it’s worth exploring in more detail. To start, what is reasonable accommodation? According to[…]

CoAdvantage Human Resources

HR Outlook 2021: How COVID-19 Will Affect Human Resources in the New Year

CoAdvantage- Undoubtedly, most of us are glad to see 2020 in the rear-view mirror and look forward to 2021 with the hope that this year will see life return to normal as the pandemic recedes. Still, COVID-19 remains with us as we head into the new year and will likely continue to cast a long[…]