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Top 3 HR Issues Facing Newly Formed Businesses

Newly formed businesses and startups may be tempted to bypass Human Resources in favor of other business units, like marketing, sales, finance, etc. After all, if they’re newly formed, they probably don’t have many employees yet anyways, so why worry about HR at that point? Well, here are three HR issues that every new business[…]

CoAdvantage Records Management

Why Small Businesses Should Take Records Management Seriously

CoAdvantage- Former U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge John Facciola says, “If your clients don’t have a records management system, they may as well take their money out into the parking lot and set it on fire.” He’s not wrong. Improper or inadequate recordkeeping can be devastating when businesses are hit by audits, investigations, or litigation[…]

What Happens If Employers Violate Labor Laws?

Labor law is one of the thorniest issues with which employers must comply. Specifically, most businesses are subject to a host of regulatory and legal requirements at the federal, state, and local levels. Cumulatively, these regulations are intended to protect workers. For example, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects workers from discrimination, while the[…]

10 Facts About Workplace Safety

In the U.S., thousands of workers die in the workplace everywhere, and millions experience non-fatal injuries and illnesses. That’s why the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) monitors safety conditions in the workplace. Enforcing worker safety is not just the right thing to do, it’s required by law. But what does this mean exactly? Here are 10[…]

HR Risk Management Part 3: Risk Monitoring

In our first post in this risk management series, we noted how few HR organizations address people-related risks. According to consultancy group EY, “HR risks continue to be absent from the risk management framework. Only 36% of [survey] respondents indicated HR risks are included as part of the risk management framework.” In our next post in[…]

What PEOs Do Throughout the Employee Lifecycle

When business owners partner with a professional employer organization (PEO), they can focus on business building while trusting the PEO to handle certain HR and employee issues. To that end, a PEO’s service model can extend across the entire employee lifecycle – from before they even start until after they’ve left. Here’s how. 1: Recruitment[…]

Age Discrimination 101: What You Need to Know

Age discrimination is more common than most people probably realize, with reported instances likely dwarfed by incidents no one ever hears about. Acting EEOC chair Victoria Lipnic says, “Like harassment, everyone knows it happens every day to workers in all kinds of jobs, but few speak up. It’s an open secret.” It’s also against the law.[…]

Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) and Labor Law

Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies reign supreme in today’s workplaces. Nearly nine out of ten (87%) companies expect employees to use personal devices for work purposes. In fact, at many organizations, using a smart device is a necessity. Nearly two-thirds of organizations use some kind of in-house app related to critical enterprise systems. With BYOD, companies don’t have to[…]