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Sales Inquiry : 855-351-4731

Time is Money: The 411 on Outsourcing Payroll Processing

How does Payroll Processing help employers? A recent InfusionSoft survey found that “time to get everything done” is the single most frequently cited challenge faced by business owners. In small and mid-sized businesses especially, owners and executives often find themselves spending hours weekly (if not daily) on administrative payroll and HR functions instead of focusing on their[…]

Avoid Background Check Backlash

Background checks are an excellent form of due diligence that can protect employers from potentially catastrophic hiring mistakes. However, multiple laws apply to employer use of background checks, and careless implementation can create a lawsuit-fueled backlash against your company, as it has against companies like Uber, Amazon, UPS, Lowe’s, and many others. In fact, litigation based on just the[…]

Compensation Strategy: Setting Rewarding AND Fair Rates

In our recent series on managing different kinds of workers – overachievers, under-performers, and everyone in between – we talked a lot about salaries. For one, we noted that it’s often appropriate to pay high performers more. That’s because top performers produce a disproportionate amount of the results for an organization (the top 5-8% of workers[…]

The Impact of Professional Employer Organizations on Business Growth Potential

Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) are for more than just employees. PEOs are designed to get employers out of the employer business, so that business owners and executives can focus their energies entirely on core, revenue-generating activities. But with the emphasis on transactional and legal responsibilities, it’s sometimes easy to forget the business outcomes that PEOs[…]

Technology That Helps Small Business Owners Drive Growth

The right technology investments can help drive growth for small business owners (although employees sometimes need some convincing). According to a new study from SAP SE, one-third of small-to-midsize businesses are “well under way in applying technology to connect people, devices and businesses.” The same study also hinted at the reason why: the same companies also saw[…]