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CoAdvantage Homepage
CoAdvantage Homepage

Service Offering

As a professional employer organization (PEO), CoAdvantage specializes in – and excels at – handling human resources. We are HR experts who work as your outsourcing partner to administer payroll, benefits, workers’ compensation and core HR functions.
Payroll Processing

Handle payroll processing and related tasks with ease.

Benefits Administration

Access Fortune-500 style benefits at affordable rates.

Compliance & Risk

Build a safe, dynamic, compliant workplace.

HR Tech

Conduct HR activities securely and efficiently.

HR, Covered

Get the HR support you need. Partner with CoAdvantage.

As your business grows, success brings a fresh set of challenges. Tackling payroll and searching for cost-effective benefits, while managing employee relations and juggling compliance requirements, can pull you and your team in many directions, causing you to lose focus on growth-oriented activities.

As a Professional Employer Organization (PEO), CoAdvantage supports your business in critical HR areas. Our team of certified professionals offers guidance on a wide range of employee matters, while our innovative solutions keep your backend HR operations running smooth.



Watch and learn how CoAdvantage can drive value and enhance growth for your business.

Delivering Value

What our customers are saying about CoAdvantage.