Sales Inquiry : 855-351-4731
Sales Inquiry : 855-351-4731

Your Recipe for Success is Partnering with CoAdvantage

CoAdvantage specializes in - and excels at - handling human resources.

As a professional employer organization (PEO), CoAdvantage specializes in–and excels at–handling human resources. Our solution brings efficiency to your business in core areas like payroll, benefits, workers’ compensation and compliance, meaning you have more time to focus on growth.

Partner with CoAdvantage and taste the freedom of reduced time spent on administrative tasks. Our customer-centric, consultative approach to HR management delivers value by streamlining your HR function. Complete the form on this page to request your free consultation.


Drive growth and value with CoAdvantage.

Service Offering

Explore CoAdvantage's service offering by clicking through on the icons below.

Handle payroll processing and related tasks with ease.


Access Fortune-500 style benefits at affordable rates.

Risk & Compliance

Build a safe, dynamic, compliant workplace.

HR Technology

Conduct HR activities securely and efficiently.

Delivering Value

What our customers are saying about CoAdvantage.

Request Free Consultation

Contact CoAdvantage today for a complimentary assessment of your HR needs.